outline of kayak paddle
point of view shot of kayaker on river, with another paddle off in the distance up stream

Why the French Alps?

Kayaking in the UK is often a cold wet affair, and with a hard winters paddle, our thoughts often stray to warner places abroad. However, cost of flights, plus the additional charges of hauling kayaks and gear overseas, is less than appealing.
Only a day's drive away, the Southern French Alps boasts a generally warm, sunny climate, beautiful mountains, great food and drink, but most importantly, loads and loads of fantastic whitewater runs to suit all abilities!

River running through mountainous valley
Van with kayaks on roof in laybye by river

Getting there

Being able to drive there with a roof rack full of boats is a great advantage. Numerous ferry companies run regular channel crossing services from Dover.
Driving from the French Channel Port normally takes about 12 hours in total, so the best way to tackle this is to share driving if you're travelling in a group.

Start your kayaking journey by booking a ferry here!